A Damaging Conspiracy Theory

Conspiracy theories are everywhere. I remember when I was 10 years old, I saw an individual holding a sign detailing that Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson were alive and well. Quite well, in fact, vacationing at a resort in the Bahamas. As we learned from The Language of Persuasion, “the goal of most media messages is to persuade the audience to believe or do something”. Although some theories can be harmless, others can tarnish the memory of a loved one, call into question their accomplishments and cause unimaginable emotional pain. 

Conspiracy theories are (unfortunately) not in short supply. If one holds themselves in the “wrong” way (categorized by a few strong opinion leaders), a conspiracy theory can be born and in some cases flourish with very little facts to support it. 

TW: Gun violence, school shooting, child loss

December 14, 2012 was a tragic day families would never forget. 

Nancy Lanza was murdered by her 20-year-old son in the home they shared in Newton. After committing this crime, the individual took multiple firearms from the home and made his way to Sandy Hook Elementary. He “…killed 26 people, including 20 first graders…” It was a scene out of a horror film. “It was one of the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history.” 

A time where families can’t even fathom beginning to grieve was quickly taken hostage by Alex Jones. Alex Jones was “…a right-wing American radio host and prolific anti-government conspiracy theorist.” 

The Conspiracy Theory

Led by Alex Jones, the conspiracy regarding the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting was that it never occurred – rather the reports televised on news networks were parading ‘crisis actors’. Jones was convinced (and may still be to this day) that mass shootings would occur in order “…to come after our guns…”. 

Persuasion Tactics

A handful of persuasion tactics are easily identifiable through the musings of Alex Jones. Jones already had a following and, returning listeners already associated Jones as a reputable source – this adds complexity to the entire situation. In this difficult time, fear was being instilled to fuel this conspiracy. This, combined with extrapolation, which is drawing “…huge conclusions on the basis of a few small facts” advanced this theory. Name-calling involving a grieving parent, Robbie Parker, immediately pinpointed an individual to detest. Parker was one of the first families to speak to the press regarding the monumental loss of his 6-year-old daughter, Emilie. 

“Stepping up to the podium, Parker emitted a nervous, half-laugh before he gathered himself together and began to reminisce about Emilie’s short life.

New York Times journalist and author Elizabeth Williamson says that Parker’s reflexive response to the tragedy would later become fundamental to a massive conspiracy campaign that claimed what happened at Sandy Hook was a sinister government plot designed to encroach upon gun owners’ rights.”

An enemy had been selected by Alex Jones. Being so sure of this government ploy to remove gun owners’ rights, Jones was extremely charismatic in selling his big lie. This combined with the slippery slope warned individuals of the negative outcomes and allowed this conspiracy theory to snowball. 

What Now?

Parents and loved ones of the Sandy Hook Elementary victims can finally grieve without Jones’ conspiracy theory hanging over them. “Jones filed for personal bankruptcy in December 2022 after he was ordered to pay the damages when he lost two civil cases over his false claims about the elementary school massacre.” Liquidation of assets has since occurred allowing the payments to plaintiffs to slowly begin. 

26 lives were taken on December 14, 2012. The need to stop school shootings continues to be an issue confronting our society. “According to research compiled by the independent K-12 School Shooting Database research group, there have been 189 shootings at schools around the US since Sandy Hook that resulted in at least one fatality.”

The Sandy Hook Victims:

Charlotte Bacon (6), Daniel Barden (7), Rachel D’Avino (29), Olivia Engel (6), Josephine Gay (7), Dylan Hockley (6), Dawn Lafferty Hochsprung (47), Madeleine Hsu (6), Catherine Hubbard (6), Chase Kowalski (7), Jesse Lewis (6), Ana Marquez-Greene (6), James Mattioli (6), Grace McDonnell (7), Anne Marie Murphy (52), Emilie Parker (6), Jack Pinto (6), Noah Pozner (6), Caroline Previdi (6), Jessica Rekos (6), Avielle Richman (6), Lauren Rousseau (30), Mary Sherlach (56), Victoria Soto (27), Benjamin Wheeler (6), and Allison Wyatt (6).


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