About Me

My name is Brandon and I currently live in the Pacific Northwest. 

Education was always a daunting subject for me. Specifically college. It’s not that I didn’t want to learn, but more so I didn’t know what I wanted to learn about. Several areas held my interest at the time – musical theatre, set design, lighting design, and social media management just to name a few. While I anticipate my blog will evolve over time, as so many things in our society do, it is currently devoted to my studies and my journey as a student in 2024. 

Due to technology, we live in a world where news stories are stored in our pockets. No longer are the days of waiting for the Sunday newspaper. With a press of a button, we can almost put the world on silent. This fascinated me and also frustrated me. This inspired me to declare my major in Digital Media Literacy. I have always said I struggle with articulating my thoughts, but after contemplation, I do not think this is the case. I never provided myself with an outlet – until now. 

Through this blog, I hope to gain a deeper understanding of technology and just how vital a role it plays in our society today, as well as transparently share the challenges of living away from home in a 400-square foot studio and becoming an adult in our world today.